Together with our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are strongly involved in building a sustainable society.

In everything we do, we follow Caldaro’s values, ethical principles, and appropriate laws above and beyond regulations. In accordance with our values and Code of Conduct, we aim to professionally provide excellent customer experiences in all our projects. We deliver on our customer promises and are committed to increasing customer satisfaction. 

Reaching our goals with motivated personnel

We achieve this with the help of our skilled, enthusiastic and motivated personnel, who are committed to their own development, our services, our products and our ways of working. We give our employees the chance to grow and develop through various mentoring and training opportunities. 

We increase environmental awareness by communicating our environmental goals and results, both internally and externally, to ensure that quality and environmental policies are embedded and adhered to at all levels of the organisation.

Developing our operations

We develop our operations continuously in order to improve our performance in quality, environmental and safety matters. This allows us to carry out our responsibility in society, projects and our workplace.

We are committed to improving environmental protection and continuously operate according to statutory requirements. 

We manage our operations’ risks through training, quality assurance, and continuous auditing and communication throughout our supply chain.

Joining global initiatives

In 2019 we committed to the UN Global Compact and our work to increase our sustainability goes on. We continue supporting the UN Global Compact, and renew our company’s ongoing dedication to the initiative and its principles. 

To objectively identify areas of improvement, beginning in 2022, we let EcoVadis assess Caldaro, to get the world’s most trusted business sustainability rating.

Transportation and travel are the biggest challenges

The most significant environmental impacts of our operations are related to transportation and travel. We manage these by using electro-hybrid cars, encouraging travel and transportation by train, and using 100% renewable electricity in all our sites.

Sponsoring a solar car project

We like to support future-oriented sustainable projects, which is why we sponsor the University of Calgary Solar Car Team.

Environmental and quality policies

At Caldaro AB Quality and Environment are keywords for every employee, and our related policies are therefore guiding all daily work.

Our goal is to offer our customers the highest craftsmanship of the products we market, which includes choosing quality and environmentally conscious suppliers. We shall also be able to provide our customers with superior services for these products.

The management of Caldaro is responsible for ensuring that quality and environmental policies are embedded and adhered to at all levels of the organisation. We achieve this through continuous training and sharing of information. Both quality and environmental policies are posted on the walls of the company.

Management is also responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are put in place to secure and develop the policies’ objectives.

The policies in pdf format

Sustainability Reports

We make one report each year to track our efforts to become more sustainable. We recommend the screen display format, especially if you have a big screen!

From 2022 we have changed the name of the reports from COP-report to Sustainability report. That’s a natural development since what started as a commitment to UN Global Compact in 2019 has become a broader commitment with more actors like Ecovadis and our parent company AddTech’s vision goals.

The reports in pdf format

Latest report as screen display

Caldaro Sustainability Report 2023-2024

Addtech's vision goals

Addtech is a publicly listed Swedish technical solutions group. The business comprises about 140 independent companies that sell high-tech products and solutions to customers, primarily in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, in around 20 countries. Caldaro is one of these companies.

Addtech wants all sales to contribute to sustainable development, reduce CO2 intensity, increase gender equality, and ensure that every supplier has signed up to our Supplier Code of Conduct.


We are proud to have achieved Ecovadis Platinum medal for our top 1% rating.

Since its founding in 2007, Ecovadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies. They offer enterprise solutions for Sustainable Supply Chains.

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Many of our customers value that we now have an Ecovadis rating, and from now on, we will demand that our suppliers also get their Ecovadis rating so that we can secure the entire value chain.

Un Global Compact

In 2019 Caldaro was one of the first joystick manufacturers to sign the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest and most widely embraced, voluntary, corporate sustainability initiative. Now we have uploaded two COP (Communication on Progress) reports to the United Nations Global Compact website.

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Goal 5: Gender equality. Caldaro has a nearly even gender distribution. Our employee’s salaries are not affected by gender. 

Goal 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth. With the best possible working conditions, we create the best possible products, which gives satisfied customers. 

Goal 9: Sustainable industry, innovations, and infrastructure. Many of our sub-components are made close to Caldaro’s factories. It saves time, money, and the environment. 

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. All our products feature electronic controls, enabling electrification of the machine, which means lower emissions. 

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. Our headquarters’ premises are environmentally certified according to the international BREEAM In-Use.

We support UN Global Compact

Our certificates

ISO 9001 is a management system standard for quality management. A management system based on ISO 9001 is a tool for companies and organisations to ensure that their products and services meet customer requirements.

ISO 14001 is a management system standard for environmental management. A management system based on 14001 is a tool for companies and organisations to manage their environmental impact and comply with applicable legal requirements. 

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS): EU rules restrict the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment to protect the environment and public health.

REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, an EU regulation.

The US Congress bill, HR 4173, specifically §1502 – Conflict Minerals, attempts to minimise the financing of Congolese militias and contribute to curbing conflicts in the region. Caldaro is committed to the ethical sourcing of minerals used in our products.

We follow Addtech’s Code of Conduct which summarises how we all should act in order to run our business in an ethically, socially and environmentally sound way.

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Whistleblower function

Caldaro strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. Because of this, we offer a Whistleblower service that can be used by anyone to report any irregularities that go against our values and Code of Conduct. To ensure anonymity for the whistleblower, we use an external partner, Whistle B.

Follow the link below to get to the external whistleblower site. There you can find further information and choose another language:

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Please contact us and let us help you to get the perfect product for your application.